Great article, totally infuriating that the people responsible for this reprehensible cheating are not in jail! RE the 20 year old voter fraud operation in NY, it's my opinion that the election of Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein in the same "election" marked the beginning of institutionalized voter fraud in California. Since then, the criminal election meddlers have become so bold that we now live in what amounts to a leftist tyranny, tempered only by an occasional win in court against some of the most egregious and obviously unconstitutional legislative edicts. The price of liberty is ETERNAL vigilance!

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Thank you for writing, Harry. Yes it is very frustrating but we must never ever give up. You would be surprised perhaps and gratified to know that there are many people trying to make sure that 2024 is a reasonably fair election.

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I participated in a group, Defend Florida, that did exactly what you are proposing, in a large Florida county (it was statewide, I only participated at the county level). We found very little fraud, which of course just may mean that Florida is not as bad as some other states.

Here is my real question: how does canvassing *after* the election help? As your article shows, the legal system has already been corrupted beyond repair.

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OK. My title is a bit optimistic. It won't be EASY, but I don't think the system is corrupted beyond repair. An honest election is possible. Democrats know better than anyone else about the corruption in big blue cities like Atlanta, Detroit, and Philly, so they will try to block any canvass that might expose that corruption. That is why the first step is to have lawyers ready to fight that. The next step is to conduct a very high-quality canvass, starting with a professional statistician to select the sample. If good records are maintained, and affidavits are kept, it will be difficult to ignore the canvass results. In the canvass operation I described, and in another one that was conducted in Michigan (Until AG Dana Nessell blocked it), some of the respondents were very angry to learn that their ballots were taken, and they were eager to fill out affidavits. They would have been glad to testify in a trial. If there are enough people like that (more than the winning margin), a new election is very possible. In any event, there is nothing else that can work against ballot harvesting.

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First of all, THANK YOU SIR! How about: paper ballots, in-person only, with ID. I bet plenty of people would still help grandma get to the polls. And there has to be some cut-off if she cannot. I would guess that there are a lot more fake voters than incapacitated grandmas...

P.S. I thought that a similar effort to Defend Florida was being done elsewhere, but not sure.

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Yes, in-person voting with paper and with ID. That also works. However, where Dems are in control, that won't happen. I should have qualified my statement: Canvassing is the only method that can work where there the election involves widespread mail-in ballots without ID. Thank you for your insightful comments. I really appreciate them.

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Great article as usual, Joe. I like your canvassing idea, and I think it is definitely worth doing. My only concern is that the statistical results will depend on the honesty of the canvassers, and it may be too easy for them to "fudge" the results -- like a golfer keeping his own score. More to the point, it will be too easy for the Democrats to *claim* that the results were fudged or are just not reliable. If there is any way to prove the accuracy of the canvassing results, that would be great.

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Hi Russ, Thanks for your comment. I agree that the results will be challenged. The key will be to keep excellent written records, so that the test results can be tested, and confirmed. Also, collect affidavits where possible. If the sample size is 600, contact every 10th residence on the list to confirm the accuracy of the written response. (In fact, that should be done before the survey is even presented in a courtroom.) The title of my article is too optimistic: It won't be easy. However, it is the only method I can think of that could work against the major harvesting operations planned by Democrats. Compared to 2020, the harvesting in 2024 will be on steroids. That is because of the "automatic voter registration" scam taking place in over 20 Democrat states, and because Biden is using federal funds to register "under represented" voters. That is something he started in March 2021 with his "Promoting access to voting" program. Thanks again for writing. I hope all is well for you.

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