Apr 4Liked by Joe Fried CPA

Addendum: This is the sort of thing that screams for jury nullification when the "judge" instructs that if the acts were committed, the defendant is guilty regardless of motivation or intent. There can be no crime without intent to do harm.

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Apr 4Liked by Joe Fried CPA

To quote the great. John Derbyshire's book title: We're Doomed.

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Zapata, Wait and Peters highlighted weaknesses in an alleged secure system. Were those election system flaws ever addressed?

The concept at our nation's birth written in our founding and framing documents is fading. Citizens' right to a Government deriving its authority from the consent of the governed might be impaired by inaccurate, untrustworthy elections, unverifiable due to a lack of integrity.

It appears human nature hasn't changed. I believe human nature was foremost in the hearts and minds of the founders and framers. Anything (well, almost anything) may be employed for a good, true and beautiful purpose, or an evil, fraudulent and malevolent outcome.

Why the concern? What could be done? What should be done? When? By whom? Where?

My thoughts? Sunshine. We, the taxpayer paid for everything. The citizens voting are compelled to use these systems. Make ALL elements of the process FREELY AVAILABLE, unencumbered, to the public.

- Voter registration forms,

- Voter registration data bases (there are several: active, 'Future Voter, Purged (removed from 'active/inactive' rolls, I suspect there are more),

- "Certified" tally of election with associated 'certified' voter roll

- ALL logs and data produced and/or recorded by ALL hardware and software

- ALL election associated hardware and software, including software code (The argument is these are proprietary. If it is used in an election, it's disclosed to the public.)


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This points up the unmistakable fact that for leftists, no matter if they're officials with authority or ordinary people on a jury, satisfying their lust for power far, far outweighs any consideration of decency, fairness, or the principles this country was founded upon. Mob is exactly the correct term for them, and they deserve to be treated as such in the traditional manner.

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Crazy isn’t it ?

Alex D

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