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Long long ago I was a Democrat. Now, I have to make restitution. That is why I have this substack account.! But in my defense, the new democrat party is nothing like the old one.

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Joe, have you been following the ridiculously blatant 2020-style election fraud going on right now in Cook County (Chicago metro)? A week after the primaries, the Board of Elections is still finding thousands of absentee ballots from everywhere and nowhere. Now they say tomorrow they’ll have all the ballots after the nursing home and overseas ballots are counted.

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I’m willing to volunteer in McKinney, Texas.

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Hi butterfly, one of the people at United sovereign Americans said that they are in 32 states. You may want to send them an email asking if they are in Texas yet. It is very nice of you to offer to help.

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I am very much aware of Marly Hornik and NYCA. I strongly recommend that you guys check out Jay Valentine's work at Omega4America.

It looks like his company has figured out a fast and lethal way to get rid of phantom and fraudulent voters on the rolls without having to go to court.

We have to act now, well before the election, to clean up the entire system. There is not enough time to litigate this in the courts. We will lose unless we can Jay's fractal technology in every state.

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Thank you, New York nanny. I know Jay valentine, and have spoken to him several times. He is mentioned prominently in one of my books, and I plan to write again about him on this substack website. You are right. People should read some of his great articles on the American thinker. That man is very very smart and dedicated to the cause.

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That "fractal technology" sounds amazing. I don't recall ever hearing about it before. Is it for real or massively hyped?

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Hi Russ, I agree it sounds kind of flaky but Jay Valentine has been promoting this for months if not years. I am not knowledgeable enough to know personally if it's real. However I have talked to people who are in the tech field, and they seem to be impressed by j Valentine's work.

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I just watched this interview of Jay Valentine:


Very impressive work on analysis of voter rolls! But I still don't understand what he means by "fractal technology." And yes, I have read the webpages on it. They don't give much detail.

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Hi Joe- thanks for your reply. I am very optimistic about Jay's fractal program and I hope that the RNC, GOP and Team Trump are made aware of it in short order.

My biggest fear is that the feckless Republicans are going to have another election stolen in a few short months will be the end of what's left of our country.

I am concerned that the Audit NY people will not have enough time to litigate in the courts which are pretty corrupted to begin with.

From what I understand, Jay's tech can be used well before the election, like NOW to remove phantom and phony voters from the rolls.

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Hi New York Nanny, I believe there are at least two groups doing similar things to registration lists. There is Jay Valentine using fractal programming. There is also the United sovereign Americans group. I was on a program yesterday with Harry Harry, who is with United sovereign Americans. From what he says, it seems that they are also doing a great job, and have been in 32 states. They seem to have their own methodology, which is different than that of j Valentine. It is all over my head, but it is great to know that these people are trying their best to get the dead people and the people who moved out of jurisdiction, off of registration lists

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Yes, the Audit NY people are pretty fantastic and the work that's been done by Dr. Zark, Marly and the rest of the group is pretty incredible.

Like you, the tech stuff is completely over my head, but I do understand the basic problem which is that we have so many phantom, dead and ineligible voters on the rolls that need to be purged.

From what I gather, the problem is that we are out of time with the election just months away and we can't rely on the courts to do the right thing with all of the lawsuits that are being dropped.

It seems that Jay Valentine's approach is to force the election boards and officials to remove the illegitimate voters as soon as they can prove that it's impossible for 50 people to live at a P.O. box or UPS store and this is being done quickly, without litigation.

All I know is that I am praying that this election is nothing like what happened in 2020 and even 2022.

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