In my view, ANY questionable ballot, ballot application, or other election related document should be thoroughly investigated. The idea of "presuming" that all submitted information is legit is ludicrous. When an official orders his subordinates NOT to do their job to safeguard election integrity, he is guilty of an unforgivable act against the citizens of this country and the country itself. Those guilty should and must be severely punished, first, because they richly deserve it for their dishonesty and malfeasance, second, because they need to do serious and painful penance for the damage they have caused, and third, to deter others from similar acts. This sort of abuse of authority is far, far too widespread and commonplace today, and it should outrage and infuriate anyone who values his liberty and the principles this country was founded upon. James Madison said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Have we degenerated as a society to the point that the Founder's system is no longer adequate?

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Thanks for the comment, Harry. I agree 100%. In my opinion, the election became uncertifiable when Secretary Benson illegally changed the standard for evaluating signatures. Judge Christopher Murray ruled that the change was illegal. Unfortunately, that ruling came after the election was certified.

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Thanks for another enlightening article, Joe.

I still think you should try to get on Tucker Carlson. If he turns you down, I think he is missing a huge opportunity.

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Thanks, Joe! The whole 2020 election stinks so badly I STILL just about can't breathe!

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"a women"? See article.

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Hey Joe Potts. What article?

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The article to which my comment is attached. Muskegon.

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Yes, Now I see it. Thanks!

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I'm a CPA myself (AND proofreader)! LONG retired.

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It would be nice if this had come from a more reputable source than The Gateway Pundit. E.g., on 11/08/2020, TGP writer Jim Hoft pushed the now-debunked Benford’s Law analysis of the 2020 election. See:


Given the general understanding of BL at the time, it was reasonable for TGP to publish this. Today, three-and-a-half years later, however, for that same story to be up without correction is inexcusable.

Having said that, I should add that I strongly suspect that the present story is wholly or mostly true. If Republicans were smart, they would investigate the story themselves and then shop it out to a more credible media outlet.

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Hi Ken,

I appreciate your comment and the point you make. You are right about Benford's law. Although I never read GP's take on Benford, I agree that it is weak evidence.

Regarding GBI Strategies, Gateway deserves credit for digging up the police reports and reporting on them. But to make sure the GP facts are correct I read contrarian sources, including the Detroit News, Newsweek, and Bridge Michigan. I don't recall any disputes on the facts - just on the significance of them. For example, Bridge Michigan stressed that the story is "not news," and the bad registrations were (supposedly) voided. I don't think the publication mentioned whether or not GBI Strategies was operating in other cities. If it was, we have no idea if the registrations for those cities were valid.

Newsweek tried to fact check GP in an article dated August 16, 2023. Again, I don't think there was a dispute over GP's facts. As a deflection, however, Newsweek attacked some anonymous schmuck on Twitter. I guess we are supposed to think that he and GP are one and the same. Again, I don't recall Newsweek mentioning that GBI operated in multiple cities. I don't think I can link to an article within the comments but the title of the Newsweek article is this, in case you want to look it up: "Fact check: Did Michigan Police Uncover 2020 Democratic Election Plot?"

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