I wish I could be more helpful in identifying the fraud in my own county of Berks (PA). I've applied multiple times in multiple years to become a poll watcher and poll worker, but since Gov Wolf (D-PA) created the office of "Volunteer Coordinator", registered GOP's need not apply. (This should be looked at as it would explained the coordinated attack on nonD poll workers - the "Volunteer Coordinator" although being a tax payer funded position is impossible to find out just who this person is.

If I can help in any way... please contact SybliDefense at Protonmail

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Thank you for informing the readers of this problem. It will take hard work and lots of luck for the GOP to win in Pennsylvania in 2024. But, miracles do happen.

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This only caught my eye after I listened to a briefing by NY Citizens Audit in Amenia NY where it was impressed upon me that under applicable federal law, votes cast in excess of unique Voter IDs registered is FATAL to certifiability. See Art Zark on Substack, research director of NYCA. https://rumble.com/v3x3tpm-amenia-town-board-resolution-presentation-11-16-2023.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2

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NY Citizens Audit is the most amazing grassroots group I know of. In just two or three years they and spread the word around the country. Yes, a voter deficit is fatal to certification - except where all positions of authority and power are in the hands of Demorats. It is pure corruption.

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Thank you for what you do! When I get a notification of a new article by you, I make sure to mark it for reading. Like so many, I have believed since the night of the election there was fraud on a massive scale. The way you present the facts and figures is clear and concise, no additives. Again thank you!

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Thank you, Veva. Unfortunately, I may not be posting too much in the next 2 or 3 monrha. I am working on something very big and very time consuming. It will be happening in Washington DC in early March. (That is a hint!) That is all I am permitted to say at this time, but I will eventually write about the experience. I truly appreciate your feedback on these articles.

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Oh, a teaser, I can't wait! I read your book 'Debunked' in the last few days. I couldn't put it down. I have been in the accounting field for 40+ years, so nothing was above my understanding. You were completely impartial on every analysis you spoke of. I can't wait for more!

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I don't understand why you claim this is undisputed. Verity Vote claims there were 7,035,796 total ballots for the presidential race in 2020. But where are they getting that number? Pennsylvania's official website says that there were 6,915,283 votes cast in the 2020 presidential election. https://www.electionreturns.pa.gov/General/SummaryResults?ElectionID=83&ElectionType=G&IsActive=0 There may have been more "ballots" by some calculation, but that doesn't mean there were 7,035,796 votes counted in the actual result.

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Hi Stuart, Your questions are good. Before I directly address the numbers, let me explain why the general claim is undisputed. The PA Secretary of State (SOS) acknowledged in her December 29, 2020 response that several counties had not yet entered their voter "histories" into the SURE system. To be clear, these "histories" did not go back 20 years or even 20 days. The SOS was saying, in an obscure manner, that the counties had not yet scanned in the voter barcodes from the 2020 election. (There are barcodes on the mail-in ballot envelopes and along side the signature lines for in-person voters.) The process of scanning barcodes should not take three months. We don't know why it took so long but it was probably because the precincts were out of balance. In any event, please consider that fact that, if the counties had not yet entered voter info. into the SURE system, it was absolutely impossible for the SOS to know if ballots were equal to voters. Please consider that several people have been criminally charged because they asserted on or before January 6 that some of the states had significant unresolved discrepancies. With regard to PA they were justified in making those assertions.

Regarding the numbers, Verity Vote (VV) started with the 6,915,283 number, and added in write-in votes and over under votes. VV then added in late ballots that were received after the election (not related to the 3-day grace period) but were being credited against the pre-election period. That is the 71,893 number. Frankly, I think the VV adjustment is needed but confusing. I consider this to be a reduction of voters rather than an increase in ballots, but the results are identical. Keep in mind that, even if no adjustment was made for 71,893, there would still be a discrepancy of about 50,000 as of February 1, 2021 - and after all counties finished entering their voter information. There was a serious imbalance, and the PA SOS needs to provide a full accounting. This won't happen because it would reveal fraud or serious malfeasance.

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"Regarding the numbers, Verity Vote (VV) started with the 6,915,283 number, and added in write-in votes and over under votes. VV then added in late ballots that were received after the election (not related to the 3-day grace period) but were being credited against the pre-election period. That is the 71,893 number."

Verity Vote's additions, as you describe them, seem to need more explanation. How sure are they that the 6,915,283 count (which is up on the website today) didn't include all of the right votes/ballots?

I'm skeptical because in so many cases over the past 2.5+ years, folks have made claims about voter numbers, ballot numbers, etc., etc., but any huge discrepancy literally always turns out to be due to someone who didn't understand how data was collected or counted.

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Stuart, In at least one respect I fully agree with you. There have been so many wild accusations made about the election that people are very skeptical when a credible claim comes along. Thank you for commenting. I really do appreciate your feedback, even if we don't completely agree.

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Good analysis and still no response from the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. I have a lot of relatives in Pennsylvania.

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Thanks, Margaret,

I was asked to testify about this in the John Eastman trial, but was not allowed to testify by the judge. John then tried to get this information into the trial via two other witnesses. Blocked again. Such is the state of justice in America. You see, there was no fraud in the 2020 election because no one is allowed to speak those words. But, we have to keep up the struggle.


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