When Jeff Zucker ran CNN, he famously had company-wide conferences every weekday morning at 9AM, and he would instruct his TV personalities regarding the appropriate messaging for the day.
To any objective observer, the disaster that passes for "election integrity" in the good ole US of A cannot be ignored. Whether any element of concern amongst those of us who believe our election system has been overwhelmingly corrupted can be proven, is less important than the pervasiveness of those concerns amongst an overwhelming majority of our citizens - across partisan lines. The real question is why those who could put those concerns to rest, instead battle to foreclose transparency at every opportunity? Of course, this only serves to magnify the concerns of all of us who care about the future of this country which is so intimately tied to honest and accurate elections. The recent holding of the PA Supreme Court in the Fulton County matter speaks volumes to this problem, as it appears to have been intended to chill those of us who are fighting for election integrity. I am saddened by this but undeterred. For me, this is the hill to die on or we will lose what's left of our freedom.
Thank you! If it weren't for the alt-media and commentators like you, there would be no meaningful media at all, since the so-called mainstream media is fully in the tank and useless as the 4th Estate.
Elected officials need to learn a very stern lesson about lying.
Joe lays out some very logical comments concerning Fox News in a fire fight. The bigger is is lying. Intentionally and bold face lying. We need to oust those elected officials who cover their tracks with one lie after the next.
This country has lost its integrity. It can be restored. But we have fallen into a very dark and deep hole. It crosses party lines. Very sad indeed.
Great article Joe seems to keep us interested and continuing in the fight.
Thanks very much, Joe. I talked with Marly recently, and I learned a lot. She is a fountain of knowledge, and a great director for NYCA. I watched one of her presentations from start to finish, and was amazed at the work the group has done in less than 2 years. Thanks for the introduction.
Thanks for the great analysis, Joe. I am very disappointed that Fox settled for such a huge amount rather than take a chance and fight it. It sets a very bad precedent. Had they lost, they could have appealed. In fact, I read that another voting system company is planning to sue them for even more. Let's hope they don't settle again.
I pray daily for truth to prevail over the barrage of leftist lies that we are now getting on all fronts. This appears to be a major setback, but in the end it's all part of God's plan.
Yes, and we need to highlight the absurdity of allowing proprietary, closed-source public voting systems in the first place. As far as I am concerned, every aspect of public voting systems, from hardware to software, should be completely open for anyone to see.
To any objective observer, the disaster that passes for "election integrity" in the good ole US of A cannot be ignored. Whether any element of concern amongst those of us who believe our election system has been overwhelmingly corrupted can be proven, is less important than the pervasiveness of those concerns amongst an overwhelming majority of our citizens - across partisan lines. The real question is why those who could put those concerns to rest, instead battle to foreclose transparency at every opportunity? Of course, this only serves to magnify the concerns of all of us who care about the future of this country which is so intimately tied to honest and accurate elections. The recent holding of the PA Supreme Court in the Fulton County matter speaks volumes to this problem, as it appears to have been intended to chill those of us who are fighting for election integrity. I am saddened by this but undeterred. For me, this is the hill to die on or we will lose what's left of our freedom.
This is an excellent comment, lawflier. Thank you very much
Thank you! If it weren't for the alt-media and commentators like you, there would be no meaningful media at all, since the so-called mainstream media is fully in the tank and useless as the 4th Estate.
Elected officials need to learn a very stern lesson about lying.
Joe lays out some very logical comments concerning Fox News in a fire fight. The bigger is is lying. Intentionally and bold face lying. We need to oust those elected officials who cover their tracks with one lie after the next.
This country has lost its integrity. It can be restored. But we have fallen into a very dark and deep hole. It crosses party lines. Very sad indeed.
Great article Joe seems to keep us interested and continuing in the fight.
Thanks very much, Joe. I talked with Marly recently, and I learned a lot. She is a fountain of knowledge, and a great director for NYCA. I watched one of her presentations from start to finish, and was amazed at the work the group has done in less than 2 years. Thanks for the introduction.
Fox compromised? I wonder.
Any news on what happened to the J6 video McCarthy released to Tucker? We got one night if reporting and then....crickets. Fix spiked it, right?
Good question!
Then this shoe drops:
Published April 24, 2023
Thanks for the great analysis, Joe. I am very disappointed that Fox settled for such a huge amount rather than take a chance and fight it. It sets a very bad precedent. Had they lost, they could have appealed. In fact, I read that another voting system company is planning to sue them for even more. Let's hope they don't settle again.
I pray daily for truth to prevail over the barrage of leftist lies that we are now getting on all fronts. This appears to be a major setback, but in the end it's all part of God's plan.
It is discouraging, but we must not give up hope. Maybe Fox will grow a backbone before the next lawsuit.
Yes, and we need to highlight the absurdity of allowing proprietary, closed-source public voting systems in the first place. As far as I am concerned, every aspect of public voting systems, from hardware to software, should be completely open for anyone to see.
Here you go Joe: https://billlawrenceonline.com/joe-fried-on-fox-settlement/
Thank you very much Bill. I really appreciate it